Vast Offshore Natural Gas + Oil Resources, Greater Opportunity for Florida

Way out there, far off our coasts, lies vast opportunity for the Florida economy. Areas of untouched natural gas and oil resources in the Atlantic and the Gulf, estimated at billions of untapped barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, could be a critical part of Florida’s future growth and prosperity – if we explore offshore.

The potential we’re talking about could be in excess of 50,000 of new Florida jobs, and billions of dollars of new state and local revenue for our roads, bridges, and schools. Not to mention additional investments in our local communities from local and state taxes that would result from offshore energy development.

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The opportunity is at our doorstep, but we need your help. We are at a critical time for our American energy future, where there is the potential to lift some of the archaic restrictions that have kept these areas off limits to exploration and production. In January of 2018, the administration released its draft proposal to open the majority of federal offshore territory through its new five-year offshore leasing program. We expect the proposed program to be announced in the coming weeks, and we strongly support including the Atlantic and additional areas in the Gulf of Mexico in the program.

Join us in telling Congress that for the benefit of Florida’s economic future, it’s critical that additional areas of the Gulf and areas in the Atlantic are included in this program for safe and responsible energy exploration and development.

Tell your member of Congress that you support the development of offshore natural gas and oil for the prosperous future of Florida.

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